Catholic Funerals

Our Traditional Catholic Funeral Service
These charges include all necessary arrangements for the cremation or burial, obtaining, preparing and attending to all documentation, transfer of the deceased from within the local area, preparation and care of the deceased, provision of Chapel of Rest, receiving, handling and caring for floral tributes, making and receiving all necessary telephone calls, arranging for the attendance of the Priest at the Funeral Service, providing assistance and support to clients, the provision of a Funeral Director and necessary Bearers, a Hearse, one Limousine and a coffin as selected from below
A polished veneered oak coffin with solid oak moulding, flat lid and sides finished with six handles (metal for burial) wreath holders, crucifix, name plate and lined interior.
S. Gascoigne & Sons Total Costs
A superior veneered oak coffin with solid oak double moulding, with half round moulding on lid, finished in medium oak tinted edges with six handles, (metal for burial) wreath holders, crucifix, name plate and fully lined interior.
S. Gascoigne & Sons Total Costs
An extra superior polished veneered oak coffin with double solid oak moulding with extra deep raised lid with routed panels in golden Oak, finished with six handles (metal for burial) wreath holders, crucifix, name plate and fully lined.
S. Gascoigne & Sons Total Costs
The Dublin
A superior solid oak coffin with double solid oak moulding with extra deep raised lid with solid sides and ends, finished in medium oak with six metal handles with wreath holders, crucifix, name plate and fully lined.
S. Gascoigne & Sons Total Costs
Last Supper Coffin
A superior solid wood coffin with ornate detail high gloss finish, raised domed lid with four metal handles with wreath holders, crucifix, name plate and fully lined.
S. Gascoigne & Sons Total Costs
* (The above prices do not include any disbursements i.e. Crematorium, Cemetery, Church, Minister, Doctors etc)

get in Touch

If you would like to discuss planning a funeral, get a quotation, or arrange a pre-paid funeral plan, call us on 0121 458 5859 or email