S.Gascoigne & Sons Ltd

Telephone 0121 458 5859

Disclosure of Interests

S.Gascoigne & Sons ltd Disclosure of Interests

Ultimate Owners

  • The ultimate owners of the Company are the Directors

Christopher Gascoigne and Sandra M. Gascoigne.

Business or material interest in a price comparison website

  • S. Gascoigne & Sons Ltd. does not have any business or material financial interest in price comparison websites that compare Funeral Director Service and / or Crematorium Services and their respective prices.

Register of charitable donations to third parties connected to the funeral sector

  • S. Gascoigne & Sons Ltd. has not made any charitable donations to third parties connected to the funeral sector in the last 12 months.
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get in Touch

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If you would like to discuss planning a funeral, get a quotation, or arrange a pre-paid funeral plan, call us on 0121 458 5859 or email info@nullgascoignefunerals.co.uk.